Contract: 0xd08e245fdb3f1504aea4056e2c71615da7001440
Simple, efficient staking & liquidity strategies - Set-and-forget, auto-compounding investment solutions that passively grow in value. Invest once and you're set.
$250M+ - All Time Volume
10K+ - Community Members
15+ - Strategies
Complicated staking and liquidity strategies made simple - Wrapping complex staking and liquidity strategies into simple, fungible, yield-generating tokens composable with the rest of the DeFi ecosystem
Participate fully in staking returns - Generate the same returns you'd receive from staking directly, at a fraction of the cost and effort
Set-and-forget investments - No management or monitoring requirements. No expectations on the investor. Truly set-and-forget
Compounding returns - We claim fees and rewards and reinvest on your behalf, paving the way for higher compounded returns
Tax benefits - No laundry list of micro-transactions to send your CPA. We abstract the claim-and-reinvest process
Liquid collateral - Transfer your yield-generating assets from wallet to wallet. Trade them on a DEX. Or use them as collateral
Delegated, opinionated options for governance - Express an opinionated governance position without needing to stay on top of day-to-day protocol operations. Many of our funds offer two instances with different governance mandates, allowing investors to align with their chosen protocol politics.
Buchanan Mandate - The Buchanan Mandate approaches governance with an eye towards latent incentives in the design and administration of said governance. Put another way, this Mandate is focused on a meta-analysis of governance structure that aims to increase the usable space for individualized decision-making while eschewing initiatives that may bloat or corrupt the governance environment.
Samuelson Mandate - The Samuelson Mandate is a philosophy of practical and applied governance. It is technocratic and data-driven. Rather than privileging philosophical sacred cows, the Mandate focuses on maintaining a functional balance between the interests of all stakeholders.
Mandated Governance is the xToken slant on the protocol politician. -
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