Contract: 0xc40cb9ff9ad7db451e336df583e2311ff13278b6



Book of Boy’s Club - The holy book of Boy’s club $BOB - $BOB is based on the works of Matt ​Furie, known for his iconic comic ​character Pepe the Frog. By investing ​in $BOB, you are buying into a piece of ​modern internet folklore that has ​broad cultural recognition and ​impact. The value of BOBO could ​appreciate as the art and stories of ​Matt Furie gain historical significance ​and continue influencing various media ​forms. Elevate Your Status: ​It's Time for Wealth! - Missed out on $BOM? Buckle up, because ​$BOB is the VIP pass to the world ​where only the rich—or those destined ​to be—dare to meme. This isn’t for the faint of wallet. ​We’re here to laugh, to dream big, and ​to say “no thanks” to brokies. Getting in early on a token like $BOBC ​could position you to benefit from ​first-mover advantages if the token ​gains traction in wider circles ​outside the current fanbase and ​crypto enthusiasts. TOKENOMICS - 100% LP BURNED 420,690,000,000 SUPPLY CA RENOUNCED ZERO BUY/SELL TAX ZERO BULLSHIT COPYRIGHT © 2024 $BOBC

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