Contract: 0xb5f91b1561eddff54e0dbb9da1ca5f0496eb88a5
Heppy - The Original Froggy Troublemaker - Heppy is the original frog created by Matt Furie before Pepe. Despite not achieving the same level of fame, Heppy played a significant role in inspiring Matt Furie's creativity.
Tokenomics of $Heppy - Token Supply: 4,206,900,000
Ticker: $Heppy
Contract Renounced
LP Tokens Locked
No Taxes Forever
Roadmap for $Heppy - The roadmap includes phases such as Launch, Community Building, Ecosystem Development, and Expansion. It outlines plans for engaging the community, introducing exclusive features, expanding into gaming and virtual reality, and creating a crypto wallet for $Heppy transactions.
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