Contract: 0xafc0f868a84a71706c32e9e6cba1f7c6207e4569
Welcome to the Gemini era - Our largest and most capable AI model
AlphaGeometry: An Olympiad-level AI system for geometry - AlphaGeometry: An Olympiad-level AI system for geometry
Shaping the future of advanced robotics - Introducing AutoRT, SARA-RT, and RT-Trajectory
Images altered to trick machine vision can influence humans too - In a series of experiments published in Nature Communications, we found evidence that human judgments are indeed systematically influenced by adversarial perturbations.
Introducing Imagen 2 - Our most advanced text-to-image technology delivers our highest image quality with responsibility built in.
Making AI more inclusive through imagery - Find out more
MuZero, AlphaZero, and AlphaDev: Optimizing computer systems - Learn more
Google Cloud: Driving digital transformation - Learn more
Responsibility & Safety - We help anticipate a broad spectrum of AI-related risks, explore ways of preventing them from happening, and find ways to address them if they do.
AI Principles - While we are optimistic about the potential of AI, we recognize that advanced technologies can raise important challenges that must be addressed clearly, thoughtfully, and affirmatively.
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