Contract: 0x929b3f5569197939c7ab6619e14645c4f1112fc5



Access Portal - Connect to Dashboard via Twitter

$SIT and Earn - Social Interation token is Live on UNISWAP. $SIT on Twitter and earn ETH Rewards

Unique Strategy - $SIT Token is Fair Launched. SIT Token have a 5/5 TAX, the Rewards for social interactions are shared from the Tax Wallet and split between Portal participants.

Earn Points - Send tweets mentioning $SIT and @SITDAO_ETH to earn points and get higher returns in ETH

Claim Point Rewards - Claim your percentage of the current earned points every 14 days. The more engagement to your posts, the higher rewards.

Professional team and unique approach - SITDAO, the Social Interaction Token Decentralized Autonomous Organization, isn't just another token; it's a transformative platform revolutionizing social interactions within the crypto sphere. What sets it apart is its focus on genuine community engagement, offering a unique avenue for token developers to promote their projects effectively through incentivized social interactions. Our Roadmap includes creating not only a Portal for Token Developers to promote their Projects, but Staking, Bridge Exchange Telegram Bot and more.

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