Contract: 0x7921613d694da3e035fae9a227ce61d1127a1d18
A better, smarter currency - C12 can be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime.
The world’s first unbiased currency - C12 is a stable, decentralized currency that does not discriminate. Any individual or business can realize the advantages of digital money.
Financial freedom with no volatility - A price-stable currency that you control. Generate C12 on your terms, instantly.
Decentralized governance - A community of MKR token holders govern the Coin2x Protocol, the smart contracts that power C12.
A growing ecosystem - Over 400 apps and services have integrated C12, including wallets, DeFi platforms, games and more.
Join the community - Learn more about Coin2x, chat with the team, others in the community, and have your say in shaping the future of decentralized finance.
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