Contract: 0x6542006e6b512c62bf043444cc0126f876af78c7
WELCOME - CONTINUE ABOUT TOKENOMICS BUY $GRINKLE JOIN US ABOUT Created in 2009 by Matt Furie, GRINKLE is a character known for living in the green, always pumping, and occasionally getting bored from it. He resonates with people globally with his unique, laid-back vibe. TOKENOMICS With a total supply of 65 BILLION $GRINKLE tokens, we ensured everything is aligned for an explosive launch. 0% TAXES CONTRACT RENOUNCED LIQUIDITY BURNT 0x6542006e6b512c62bf043444cc0126f876af78c7 BUY $GRINKLE JOIN Join us on this thrilling adventure with $GRINKLE tokens. GRINKLE has a habit of hoarding the best for himself, so get in early and claim your share! TELEGRAM X DEXTOOLS
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