sync eth_erc20.json with
Contract: 0x5f3aaff3c10c05d11261519c7b01964cdd8686fd
BTC APE 404 - The BTC APE 404 is a derivative NFT collection of 1000 BTCAPEs with a community focus. Each NFT which is designed with ERC404 is algorithmically generated using a combination of over 140 attributes such as hats, eyes, skins and much more! Launched on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, the BTC APE 404 aims at offering high-quality art at an affordable price while executing an extensive roadmap. With staking features and Metaverse land acquisition as key parts of our roadmap, the BTC APE 404 team strives for longetivity. The implementation of a community fund will also allows for future marketing expenses to be covered, which means that the project will still garner attention from the public even after the collection is sold out.
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