Contract: 0x4096fc7119040175589387656f7c6073265f4096
FAQ - 1. Only 4096 tokens and no decimals. A single token cannot be split into parts. so you can only trade a whole amount of tokens (like 1, 5, 80 and not 0.99, 5.5, 80.33).
2. 0% buy and 5% sell tax with 4% going to burn. As there are no decimals, tax cannot be charged if the amount traded is less or equal to 16 tokens.
2.1. On every 2/4/8/16 sells, if LP balance is greater than 2048/1024/512/256, 1 token is taken as burn tax no matter the amount being sold.
2.3. Every 8 hours or 1024 tokens in traded volume, 1 token gets nuked from LP if its balance is greater than 256.
3. Real scarcity. Real burn that affects the token value and distribution.
4. If buying from Uniswap or similar interface, its better to input the amount of tokens that you want to buy instead of the ETH amount. This way the estimations will be more precise on a token with no decimals.
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