Contract: 0x34df1be72e29fe21f7ddcbb81719e7ec2065051a
UNISWAP TRADE - Goofy INU is a token that has a potential to be one of moonshot this SEASON. We have a solid line up before and after launch and Big Marketing Plan ahead! Come and join us. HAPPY TRADING EVERYONE.
about Goofy inu - As an ERC20 token, goofy Inu takes advantage of the Ethereum network's robust infrastructure, including smart contracts and compatibility with various decentralized platforms. This means that goofy Inu can be stored in Ethereum-compatible wallets and traded on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that support ERC20 tokens.
Tokenomics - 1B Total Supply, 0% Tax, burn Liquidity, renounced ownership, TAX-FREE, Friendly Community, Verified Contract, High Growth, Constant & Organic
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