Contract: 0x12062013a5a35c058129fd465b17cd7ae0b77997
DOGES - $DOGE originated as a meme coin, founded by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer on December 6, 2013.
About DOGES - This cryptocurrency was initially centered around humor and community. Over time, Elon Musk has shown significant interest in $DOGE. Musk has mentioned or hinted at his support for Dogecoin multiple times through Twitter and other social media platforms. If you missed out on Dogecoin, you might consider trying $DOGES.
HOW TO BUY DOGES - Create a Wallet, Get some DOGES, Go to Uniswap, Switch ETH for $DOGES
TOKENOMICS - Total: 420690000000000, 0% Tax: $DOGES is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. the coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.
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