Contract: 0x0764b52de9e23f2ef6f086a98c0e614995334e37
Developer Assistance - Developer AssistanceDeveloper Assistance
Announcing The Google Cloud Oracle now securing every LayerZero message by default. - Announcing The Google Cloud Oracle now securing every LayerZero message by default.Learn moreDocumentation
Core Concept of LayerZero - LayerZero is a User Application (UA) configurable on-chain endpoint that runs a ULN. LayerZero relies on two parties to transfer messages between on-chain endpoints: the Oracle and the Relayer.
Funds - LayerZero - trustless, omnichain interoperability protocol
Develop with LayerZero - endpoint.send() has six parameters. Here is an explanation of the arguments:
Examples - 01/OmniCounter.sol
A LayerZero User Application example to demonstrate message sending.
02/PingPong.sol - An example to demonstrate estimateFees() and a recursive call within lzReceive()
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